
Recommendations For Implementing Retargeting In The Google Privacy Sandbox

Recommendations For Implementing Retargeting In The Google Privacy Sandbox


Recently Google introduced their set of Chrome APIs named the Google Privacy Sandbox in an effort to support the AdTech industry as third-party cookies are deprecated.

Standardizing AdTech data ingestion with Lineate’s Data Octopus architecture

Standardizing AdTech data ingestion with Lineate’s Data Octopus architecture


AdTech companies are constantly making business decisions based on data integrated from all kinds of places. Some of this data is fairly typical relational data pulled from databases, APIs, or reports

Why householding is the best solution to cookieless… for now

Why householding is the best solution to cookieless… for now


We are all on a path to moving away from third-party cookies in all browsers. Most providers in the ad tech industry have spent the past few years trying to figure out how to evolve their businesses to the new reality.

Java Virtual Threads: An opportunity to simplify high-load programming

Java Virtual Threads: An opportunity to simplify high-load programming


Java 21 was released last September. This is an LTS release so it will stay with us for a while. Among other features entering General Availability in Java 21, there are virtual threads that have been in preview since Java 19.

Technical debt management

Technical debt management


When we develop software, we always try to create a clean technical solution with well-designed architecture and high quality on all application layers.

Approach and challenges in implementing householding ad tech solutions in the real world

Approach and challenges in implementing householding ad tech solutions in the real world


We dive into the technical intricacies of implementing a householding solution in a specific real-world scenario and the challenges we encountered in getting an implementation that performs well.

Challenges and Strategies in Implementing Householding

Challenges and Strategies in Implementing Householding


In our experience, householding emerges as the most intriguing solution amidst the current cookieless landscape.